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科学名称: 侧柏

其他通用和商业名称: Macawood、Granadillo(墨西哥、伯利兹、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯)、Coyote、Cristobal(尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加)、Trebol、Guayacan trebol(哥伦比亚)、Roble(委内瑞拉)、Koenatepi(苏里南)、Macacauba、Jacaranda do brejo(巴西) ,库马塞巴(秘鲁)。

外貌: Platymiscum pinnatum 显示出一系列颜色,从酒红色到红棕色到紫罗兰色。平锯面呈现出精美的黑色条纹纹理图案。木材带有独特而宜人的香味。

特征: 这种木材重且坚硬,具有低线性收缩率和稳定的体积收缩率。它具有较高的机械阻力,并经历缓慢的自然干燥过程,对人工干燥反应良好。

重量: 基本比重(烘房重量/生坯体积)为 0.73 至 0.94,气干密度为 55 至 73 pcf。

詹卡评价: 2450

工作特性:Platymiscum pinnatum 易于加工,表面处理良好,并且对胶水反应良好。



Scientific Name: Platymiscum pinnatum

Other Common and Commercial Names: Macawood, Granadillo (Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras), Coyote, Cristobal (Nicaragua, Costa Rica), Trebol, Guayacan trebol (Colombia), Roble (Venezuela), Koenatepi (Surinam), Macacauba, Jacaranda do brejo (Brazil), Cumaseba (Peru).

Appearance: Platymiscum pinnatum displays a range of colors, from burgundy to reddish-brown to violet. Plain sawn faces exhibit nicely figured black-streaked grain patterns. The wood carries a distinctive and pleasant fragrance.

Characteristics: This wood is heavy and hard, showcasing low linear shrinkage and stable volumetric shrinkage. It boasts high mechanical resistance and undergoes a slow natural drying process, responding well to artificial drying.

Weight: The basic specific gravity (ovendry weight/green volume) varies from 0.73 to 0.94, with an air-dry density ranging from 55 to 73 pcf.

Janka Rating: 2450

Temperature: 2.3 kJ/(kg·K)



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2.3 kJ/(kg·K)


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