科学名称: 侧柏
其他通用和商业名称: Macawood、Granadillo(墨西哥、伯利兹、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯)、Coyote、Cristobal(尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加)、Trebol、Guayacan trebol(哥伦比亚)、Roble(委内瑞拉)、Koenatepi(苏里南)、Macacauba、Jacaranda do brejo(巴西) ,库马塞巴(秘鲁)。
外貌: Platymiscum pinnatum 显示出一系列颜色,从酒红色到红棕色到紫罗兰色。平锯面呈现出精美的黑色条纹纹理图案。木材带有独特而宜人的香味。
特征: 这种木材重且坚硬,具有低线性收缩率和稳定的体积收缩率。它具有较高的机械阻力,并经历缓慢的自然干燥过程,对人工干燥反应良好。
重量: 基本比重(烘房重量/生坯体积)为 0.73 至 0.94,气干密度为 55 至 73 pcf。
詹卡评价: 2450
工作特性:Platymiscum pinnatum 易于加工,表面处理良好,并且对胶水反应良好。
Scientific name: Tectona grandis
The Timeless Timber with Unrivaled Strength and Beauty
Few woods boast the prestige and endurance of Teak. Renowned for its rich golden brown hue, exceptional strength, and remarkable resistance to decay, Teak has earned its place as a premier hardwood, sought after for centuries for its timeless elegance and unmatched durability.
Nature's Masterpiece:
Teak, scientifically known as Tectona grandis, thrives in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Its slow growth allows it to develop a dense, tightly-grained structure, resulting in wood that is naturally resistant to warping, cracking, and insect infestation. This innate resilience, coupled with its natural oils and high silica content, makes Teak virtually impervious to harsh weather conditions, even thriving in marine environments.
A Palette of Warmth and Elegance:
Freshly cut Teak boasts a vibrant golden brown hue that mellows over time to a rich, earthy tone. The wood's natural grain pattern, ranging from straight to slightly wavy, adds depth and visual interest to any project. This warm and inviting palette complements various design styles, making Teak a versatile choice for both traditional and contemporary aesthetics.
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